Johnston Seed Company Johnston Seed Company


Spring is here, and it’s time to plant success! From Friday, March 21, to Monday, March 24, enjoy 20% off all online orders!

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New Product Alert!

Gold Strike Bermudagrass Blend is a premium-quality, homeowner-grade seed designed for lush, durable, and resilient turf.

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Beefsteak tomatoes grown from seed offered in our Retail Store. 319 W Chestnut Enid, OK

What is the seeding rate?

Check out our handy Seed Planting Chart for quick answers!

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SweetlixLivestock Supplement System

Quality. Uniform. Predictable. Find the right supplement for your livestock needs.

Sweetlix Spring Specials!


Top Seller in Warm Season Turf

Rio is a top-rated seeded turf type bermudagrass variety developed by the Johnston Seed Company.


#1 Best Seller in Cool Season Turf

RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue) is the only Tall Fescue with true rhizomes. Rhizomes help RTF quickly fill in damaged and bare spots in your turf with new shoots of grass.



GoldStrike Bermudagrass Blend is a premium-quality, homeowner-grade seed designed for lush, durable, and resilient turf.

Trophy magnet FALL Plot mix


Trophy Magnet® Fall Annual Plot Mix is a blend of small grains, brassicas and clover. Plant species in this blend were selected for forage production, aggressiveness and cold hardiness.

Big 4 Native Grass Mix


Big Four Native Grass Mix is a blend of Little BluestemBig BluestemIndiangrass, and Switchgrass are the legendary “Four Horsemen” of the Tallgrass Prairie.

Okies FOR MONArchs


Each of the native wildflowers and forbs has been carefully selected using Okies For Monarchs’ recommendations and consists of beneficial species that will provide pollen and nectar for foraging pollinators throughout the growing season.

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Johnston SeedGrowing With UsPodcast

Tune in as our sales staff cover topics ranging from cover crop seed to native grass seeds to sod installation and everything in between!
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March Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • Birthdays
  • Michael Perosi
  • Brian Weathers
  • Anniversaries

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