A great fertilizer for you lawn, garden, and other plants.
A great fertilizer for you lawn, garden, and other plants.
An excellent choice of fertilizer that gives grass not only additions of nutrition but is also coated with a pre-emergent, prodiamine. If put down early in the season you can expect to see a reduction in weed populations in healthy stands of grass. When put down later, before dormancy, you can expect a cleaner yard through the winter. Putting down two applications a year will promote a weed free lawn year round. This is used by sports turf professionals and golf course superintendents nationwide.
Low nitrogen and potassium, in combination with higher levels of phosphorus, make 10-20-10 a great choice for gardeners looking to improve root development, homeowners looking for a better root system in warm season grasses, or someone who is growing a newly established lawn in from seed.
A well balanced fertilizer that can be used in just about any setting but is most typically used in early spring or late fall. This can also can be used as a starter fertilizer for newly establishing areas that are grown from seed.
DAP, the most widely used phosphorus fertilizer.
This is a great blend of fertlizer for mid season applications. A higher level of nitrogen, which promotes shoot growth in plants, and a lower level of both phosphorus and potassium give plants the needed nutrients in summer months to increase growth while promoting greener grass with slight additions of sulfur and iron.
This is the most readily available form of nitrogen you can purchase. Some fertilizers require microbial breakdown in order to make nitrogen available to the plant but with this you will be seeing results in a matter of a few days after application. This is the fertilizer you need for the quickest green up possible.
Low nitrogen and potassium, in combination with higher levels of phosphorus, make 10-20-10 a great choice for gardeners looking to improve root development, homeowners looking for a better root system in warm season grasses, or someone who is growing a newly established lawn in from seed.
A straight shot of urea nitrogen that gives bermuda grass a big growth boost anytime of the growing season.
To aid in raising the pH of soils.
Our complete early season form of fertilizer that is environmentally friendly. This fertilizer has lower levels of phosphorus and potassium for grass that doesn’t require much or any at all. This product is great for people who don’t take soil samples but still like the satisfaction of putting down a complete fertilizer early in the season. Plus you get the addition of sulfur and iron, which promote chlorophyll production, the ‘green’ portion of plants that conduct photosynthesis.
To aid in lowering the pH of soils.