Showy milkweed is a native herbaceous perennial from widespread rhizomes, which produce stems that grow to 1½ to 5 ft tall in summer.
Showy milkweed is a native herbaceous perennial from widespread rhizomes, which produce stems that grow to 1½ to 5 ft tall in summer.
Black-eyed Susan is an annual or short lived perennial herb that can be found in most all of the states in the U.S.
Black Sampson Echinacea, also known as Narrow-leaf Coneflower, is a native, perennial, warm-season forb that grows 1 to 2 feet tall.
Dotted Gayfeather is a purple flowering, native, perennial, warm-season forb that grows from 1 to 2 feet tall.
Engelmann Daisy is a member of the aster family and is recognized by its showy yellow flowers.
Indian Blanket is annual wildflower with bright red and yellow pinwheel shaped flowers.
Lanceleaf coreopsis is a native perennial wildflower with bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
Leadplant is a small native warm-season perennial legume with lead-gray foliage and accenting purple flowers.
Lemon mint is readily recognized by its characteristic lemony-citrus scent, and purple tufted flowers.
Mexican hat is readily recognized by its long cylinder heads, with their drooping, yellow ray florets
Pennsylvania Smartweed is recognized by its reddish-brown stem with glandular hairs and dense pinkish flowers with shiny flat round black seeds.
Plains Coreopsis is an excellent choice for landscaping, offering attractive foliage and low maintenance upkeep. It can be used in cultivated gardens, natural prairies, meadows, or along roadways.