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Little Bluestem grows well on a variety of soil types, including Deep, shallow, sandy, fine textured, and rocky soils. It is a bunch type, native, warm-season, perennial mid grass, with a dense root system, and may reach heights of from 2 to 4 feet tall. Little Bluestem can be identified by its flat, bluish-colored basal shoots and its leaf blades which tend to fold. Mature plants have a reddish cast after frost. Little Bluestem is more drought resistant than Big Bluestem, and can be found in the lower rainfall areas of the Great Plains. Little Bluestem can be spread by seed, tillers, and underground rootstocks. It produces an abundance of high quality, palatable forage that is used for both hay and pasture. Little Bluestem should not be grazed closer than 4 to 6 inches during the growing season. The seed is mature in late September and October. It can be seeded alone or in mixtures with tall and short grasses
Plant Characteristics
- Regional Growing Zone
- 1 - Northwest Coastal, 2 - California Coastal, 3 - Southern Mountain, 4 - Mountain, 5 - Midwest, 6 - Northeast Lakes, 7 - Great Lakes South, 8 - Appalacia, 9 - Southeast
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zones
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Temperature Zone
- Warm, Cool, Transitional
Plant Characteristics
- Height
- 24" - 48"
- Bloom Period
- Late-Summer
- Bloom Color
- Yellow
- Leaf Color
- Green-gray
- Growing Cycle
- Perennial
- Sun Requirement
- Full Sun
Plant Information
- Planting Season
- Fall - Spring
- Plant Depth
- 0.25" - 0.5"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 50° F
- Establishment
- Moderate
Seed Information
- Seeds Per Pound
- 255,000
- Kingdom
- Subkingdom
- Super Division
- Division
- Class
- Subclass
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
Coverage Area & Available Sizes
The persistence of Little Bluestem in a wide range of geographical regions, soils, and climates makes it very useful in for conservation applications. It is commonly used on revegatation areas, buffer strips, and very marginal soils for soil stabilization.
Little bluestem when grazed or hayed prior to seed stem elongation makes good quality forage. When heavily grazed with more palatable species such as Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem will increase in the population over time.
Little Bluestem makes an attractive landscape species whether it is in small groups or large mass plantings. The unique reddish-orange color of the foliage after frost makes it one of the most popular of the native grasses.