Sideoats Grama is a native deep rooted, warm season perennial grass that grows to heights of 1 to 3 feet tall and produces 30 to 50 oat-like seed spirelets that hang down uniformly on one side of the seed stem. Sideoats Grama is a winter-hardy, drought-resistant grass that can be found throughout the United States, but typically east of the Rocky Mountains. It is the most widely adapted species of the all the warm-season perennial grasses. Sideoats Grama is the largest and coarsest of the grama species. It grows on well drained uplands, shallow ridges, and rocky areas, but may be found on both shallow and deep soils. It produces a high quality, nutritious forage that is used for either pasture or hay. It is also used for erosion control, due to the seedling vigor and the ease with which it is established on severely eroded soils. Sideoats Grama should not be grazed below 2 to 3 inches during tne growing season. It is often found in mixtures with Blue Grama, Buffalograss, and Little Bluestem.
Plant Characteristics
- Regional Growing Zone
- 1 - Northwest Coastal, 2 - California Coastal, 3 - Southern Mountain, 4 - Mountain, 5 - Midwest, 6 - Northeast Lakes, 7 - Great Lakes South, 8 - Appalacia, 9 - Southeast, 10 - South Florida
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zones
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Temperature Zone
- Warm, Cool, Transitional
Plant Characteristics
- Height
- 12" - 36"
- Bloom Period
- Late-Spring - Early-Summer
- Bloom Color
- Yellow
- Leaf Color
- Green
- Growing Cycle
- Perennial
- Sun Requirement
- Full Sun, Partial Sun
Plant Information
- Planting Season
- Spring - Late-Spring
- Plant Depth
- 0.25" - 0.75"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 50° F
- Establishment
- Moderate
Seed Information
- Seeds Per Pound
- 180,000
- Kingdom
- Subkingdom
- Super Division
- Division
- Class
- Subclass
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
Coverage Area & Available Sizes
Sideoats Grama is one of the most widely utilized native grasses for soil conservation. Its ease of establishment and stand persistence make it desirable for many applications. It is recommended in most grass mixtures for livestock pasture, land revegatation, bank stabilization, and other critical areas.
Sideoats Grama produces a high quality palatable forage that is utilized by all classes of livestock. Palatability is excellent through spring and summer and unlike many of the other warm-season grasses it maintains good palability into the winter.