At Johnston’s we pride ourselves in producing top performing bermudagrasses. Continuing the legacy founded by Riviera, we are pleased to announce the newest release from our breeding program- Monaco seeded bermudagrass! Licensed exclusively to Barenbrug, Monaco is a superior seeded bermudagrass that is excellent for use on golf courses, sports turf and higher quality lawns. It has excellent density and wear tolerance. Bred for a genetically darker green color, it also has quicker spring green-up, high fall color retention and winter hardiness. Monaco bermudagrass will make a great addition to your landscape!
Monaco Bermudagrass is coated with Yellow Jacket Enhanced Seed Coating. Yellow Jacket is like having a sponge around each and every seed. Once water is applied, the coating holds that moisture and other nutrients around the seed – making them available as needed for germination and establishment. Without coating, the water simply passes the seed allowing it to dry out, resulting in more frequent watering and increased expense. Featuring advanced generation Azuba, a starch-based super-absorbent capable of holding up to 600 times its own weight in water, University of New Mexico trials demonstrate Yellow Jacket enhanced seed establishes faster than raw seed and requires less water. Faster, stronger turf establishment provides superior natural competition to weeds and disease. This results in improved turf quality, reduced establishment costs and faster utilization of a newly seeded area.
Read more about Monaco from Barenbrug here.
Plant Characteristics
- Regional Growing Zone
- 1 - Northwest Coastal, 2 - California Coastal, 3 - Southern Mountain, 4 - Mountain, 5 - Midwest, 6 - Northeast Lakes, 7 - Great Lakes South, 8 - Appalacia, 9 - Southeast, 10 - South Florida, 11 - South Texas, 12 - Southwest
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zones
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Temperature Zone
- Warm, Transitional
Plant Characteristics
- Leaf Color
- Green
- Growing Cycle
- Perennial
- Growth Habit
- Rhizomatous
- Sun Requirement
- Full Sun
Plant Information
- Planting Season
- Spring - Summer
- Plant Depth
- .125"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 65° F
- Establishment
- Easy
Seed Information
- Seed Treatment
- Coated
- Seeds Per Pound
- 1,500,000
- Kingdom
- Subkingdom
- Super Division
- Division
- Class
- Subclass
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
Coverage Area & Available Sizes
How to Use & Apply
For best results with this grass, Monaco should be planted in areas of full sunlight when soil temperatures reach 65° F (18° C) and rising. Seeding rate is 2 to 3 pounds of Monaco seed per 1000 square feet (1 to 1.5 kg/100 square meters) in a well-prepared firm seedbed. Cover seed with no more than 1/4 inch (6mm) of soil. Maintain adequate soil moisture around seed using frequent but light irrigation.
During the grow-in phase, it is recommended to apply 0.5 lbs. nitrogen/1000 square feet every 2 weeks with the first application made 2 weeks after emergence. Continue this schedule for 60 to 90 days then apply 0.75 to 1.5 lbs. nitrogen/1000 square feet each month of the growing season. The management intensity level will determine the amount of nitrogen required monthly. Sports turf installations should use the higher rate while residential lawns may prefer to use the lower rate. It should also be noted that in fall, when Monaco is preparing for dormancy, it is recommended to apply additional amounts of potassium while significantly reducing nitrogen.
Begin mowing the new stand approximately 3 to 4 weeks after emergence depending on the conditions at the time of establishment. The recommended minimum mowing height during establishment is 1 inch. Once the sod matures, the mowing height can be gradually reduced to a minimum of 3/8 of an inch. Monaco can be maintained at a mowing heights of 0.5″ to 2″, but as the mowing height is decreased, the required management level will be increased.
1-3 LBS PER 1000 FT SQ.