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Stampede Plus Bermudagrass Blend was developed for faster establishment and higher productivity in warmer temperate climates. Stampede Plus is a proven performer with high quality, high tonnage production for those forage producers wanting to maximize their profits from livestock production. Wrangler provides superior cold tolerance and earlier spring green-up, while the JM76 provides quicker establishment and late season production. Giant bermudagrass is a relatively short-lived perennial variety most noted for extremely quick germination and rapid first-year forage production.
The three varieties compliment each other quite well. Wrangler offers insurance against winterkill for those years with harsh winters which occasionally reach further into the South. In these instances, JM76 bermudagrass may experience substantial winter kill but the Wrangler will prevail and provide good quality forage early in those years and compensate until the JM76 recovers. Wrangler is also known for strong early season forage production while JM76 is stronger late in the season and Giant for your first-year growth and ease of establishment. The combination of the three provides full season high production in the southern regions of the United States.
Stampede Plus Bermudagrass maximizes the forage production potential year after year by providing superior tolerance to a wide variety of stresses.
Plant Characteristics
- Temperature Zone
- Warm, Transitional
Plant Characteristics
- Height
- 10" - 16"
- Bloom Period
- Mid-Spring
- Leaf Color
- Green
- Growing Cycle
- Perennial
- Growth Habit
- Rhizomatous
- Sun Requirement
- Full Sun
Plant Information
- Planting Season
- Summer - Late-Spring
- Plant Depth
- 0.25"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 65° F
- Establishment
- Easy
Seed Information
- Seed Treatment
- Coated
- Kingdom
- Subkingdom
- Super Division
- Division
- Class
- Subclass
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
Coverage Area & Available Sizes
How to Use & Apply
Wrangler and Stampede PLUS bermudagrass seed can be planted during spring and summer months after the soil temperature has reached about 65F. Spring plantings are usually best because of the generally higher rainfall and better growing conditions compared to summer. Summer plantings that can be irrigated are entirely feasible. The cutoff date for planting in the summer depends upon geographic location. As a general rule, the further north you plant the earlier the cutoff date. The Wrangler is a very cold tolerant bermudagrass but it has to have time to develop and establish prior to frostin the fall.
Stampede Plus’ bermudagrass is an excellent source of high quality forage in both haying and grazing systems. ‘Wrangler’s superior stress tolerance package allows it to be a consistent forage producer in a wide geographic and climatic region.
‘Stampede Plus’ bermudagrass is an excellent source of high quality forage in both haying and grazing systems. ‘Wrangler’s superior stress tolerance package allows it to be a consistent forage producer in a wide geographic and climatic region.
Stampede Plus’ bermudagrass develops both stolons and rhizomes which provide excellent soil stabilizing characteristics. It has been used extensively in waterways, pond dams, streambanks, and other conservation applications.
Stampede Plus’ has also been used as a utility turf. It has good density, dark green color, but coarser stems than ‘Arizona common’, therefore easier to mow with rotary-bladed mowers. Long-term persistence and cold hardiness make it a low maintenance utility turf for many applications such as roadsides, right-of-ways, commercial lots, and embankments.