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Medicated mineral for further manufacture of feed. Delivers BloatGuard® for the prevention of legume and wheat pasture bloat. Economical source of minerals and vitamins. Feed medicated mixture to cattle continuously during bloat-producing conditions for best protection. Limited availability
How to Use & Apply
Feeding DirectionsThoroughly mix SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® with unmedicated feed at such a rate so as to provide 0.8 oz. SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® per 100 lbs. bodyweight per day to deliver 1.0-2.0 g of poloxalene per 100 lbs. bodyweight per day for the above drug claim. 500 lbs. SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® mixed with 1,500 lbs unmedicated feed, fed at a rate of 2 lbs per head daily will deliver the recommended amount of poloxalene for a 1,000-lb animal.For optimum protection against bloat, begin feeding SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® at least 3 days prior to grazing in bloat-producing pastures.Provide one covered mineral feeder for every 5-10 animals; and locate mineral feeders where animals congregate (watering and loafing areas).It is essential that each animal consumes the total recommended daily dosage of SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® for best bloat protection.Mineral consumption levels will vary depending upon the mineral status of the animals, pasture conditions and animal feeding habits. If the average daily intake of SWEETLIX® Wheat Pasture Mineral with Bloat Guard® drops significantly below expected, be prepared immediately to relocate and increase average daily intake. If animals do not respond immediately with an increase in daily intake, remove the animals from bloat-producing pasture until the proper daily intake is re-established. Care should be taken to supply a clean, fresh source of water to all animals.