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What is the best protein for deer in the summer? Wildlife
The answer to this queston depends on several factors. If the question is regarding supplemental protein in the form of feed, then a good, balanced protein pellet that provides not only protein, but also essential nutrients and vitamins would be the top option. If the question is regarding plots or plantings aimed at providing additional forage for wildlife then there are a few alternatives. Cowpeas can provide a great deal of high quality, protein rich forage for deer and other wildlife. Cowpeas tend to be a bit more drought hardy than soybeans and are adapted to a variety of soil types but tend to struggle more in high clay soils. Cowpeas are highly sought after by deer and other wildlife and as a result, can be over grazed during establishment. Soybeans also can provide a great deal of high quality forage and tend to perform better on higher quality soils. Soybeans can be planted in cooler soil temperatures than Cowpeas and thus can be planted earlier hopefully taking advantage of seasonal rainfall. Soybeans are also often overgrazed during establishment. Other options are Sunflowers, Lab Lab, Sunn Hemp or Sorghums.
What is the cheapest deer feed? Wildlife
Corn would most likely be the cheapest feed alternative for deer although cheap is not always best. Corn provides a decent amount of carbohydrates and fat but is relatively low in protein and provides little overall nutritional benefit to deer. A better alternative, although more costly, would be to provide a well-formulated, balanced feed that provides protein, minerals and vitamins. A 50/50 mix of feed and corn can be utilized to reduce costs. When feeding corn, we highly recommend using grain that has been properly tested for aflatoxin.
Please be sure and abide by all laws and regulations regarding feeding of wildlife. The growth of the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has prompted several states to outlaw feeding of wildlife.
What month (Months) should I feed my deer protein? Wildlife
The short answer would be year-round. However, a deer’s protein requirements are higher when does have developing fawns and when bucks are re-growing antlers. Although deer can typically obtain all they need by natural browse, the use of a good, high quality forage supplement can help does develop healthier fawns. Late winter through spring can be a time of greatest requirements for pregnant does. Bucks begin re-growth in their antlers soon after antler drop so this is the time to offer a balanced feed providing protein, minerals and vitamins. Both bucks and does require sufficient nutrition throughout the summer in order to support milk production and antler growth. However, under normal conditions nature provides an abundance of natural, high quality browse that provide deer with their nutritional requirements.
When Should I NOT Feed Deer? Wildlife
Winter can be an especially difficult time for deer as well as many other wildlife species. Although deer have evolved to survive in even the harshest climates, a good, well balanced feed providing protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins can help deer thrive through the winter months. Again, as mentioned above, please abide by your state’s regulations regarding the feeding of wildlife.
Please be sure and abide by all laws and regulations regarding feeding of wildlife. The growth of the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has prompted several states to outlaw feeding of wildlife.